962   instMag optional?

Created: 21 Dec 2012

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-3 (2010; Edition 2)


Page: 35 and 67

Clause: 7.4.4 and 8


Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


SAV CDC cl 7.4.4 indicates instMag as Mandatory

Cl 8 though says "NOTE 3 The presence of the attribute instMag is pptional, that only affects the visibility of that value to the communication."


clarify Mandatory or Optional

Discussion Created Status
15 Aug 13 In Force (green)
Change note 3 to:
The presence of the attribute instMag is optional except within the SAV CDC, that only affects the visibility of that value to the communication. The instantaneous value may be required for the internal behaviour of the function, e.g. to perform the deadband calculation as explained with the attribute mag.
19 Apr 13 Ballot Period
This has already been applied to UML. Namely:
- MV.instMag is optional, and its description has the comment;
- SAV.instMag is mandatory, and there is no note there.
We decided not to print table equivalent to Clause 8, because we have explicit descriptions within every single attribute. (If we however wanted the table back, the description would be still correct = would differ for MV.instMag and SAV.instMag)
19 Jan 13 Discussion (red)
Clarification is needed, that this Note applies to all CDC other than SAV. 03 Jan 13 Discussion (red)


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