712   interpretation of quality operatorBlocked

Created: 25 Jan 2011

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-4 (2010; Edition 2)

Links: #1331 Mod, Beh and Health with q=TEST, client can't receive their states

Page: 161

Clause: Annex A


Category: Issue may impact interoperability of implementations of Edition 2


in -7-3 when operatorBlocked is TRUE, it means the value update has been frozen, thus it's old value.
in -7-4 Annex A, when LN Beh is "on-blocked" or "test/blocked", quality is set to operatorBlocked, but its value is still updating, only output to process has been blocked.

What is the correct interpretation of operatorBlocked?

Pls also see Tissue #711.


Discussion Created Status
Due to TISSUE 838 the attached amendament on Annex A shall be update.

Besides, due to TISSUE 711 "block mode shall not set q.operatorBlocked",
1) in TableA.2, rows with q=operatorBlocked and q=test+operatorBlocked shall be deleted in order to clear confusion that there is relation between block mode and q.operatorBlocked, similar to test mode and q.test.
2) in test below TableA.1, text "Processed as blocked" shall be deleted as well.
31 Jul 12 In Force (green)
In the attachment a corrected version of IEC 61850-7-4 annex A is provided. 11 Nov 11 In Force (green)
15 Sep 11 In Force (green)
09 Mar 11 Ballot Period
The description for value=2 (on-blocked) in table A.1 should be changed as follows:

"The application represented by the LN works. No output data (digital by relays or analogue setting) will be issued to the process. All communication services work and get updated values. Control commands will be rejected. See note below Table A.1.".
That means: quality is relevant.

In table A.2 the entry for Mode/Behaviour "on-blocked" regarding the "Output of FC ST, MX" should be changed to "value is relevant, q is relevant". For Mode/behaviour "test/blocked" the this entry should be changed to "value is relevant, q = test".
03 Feb 11 Discussion (red)


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