510   NULL

Created: 18 Apr 2007

Status: Ballot Period

Part: Part 7-2 (2003)


Page: several


Paragraph: several

Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


There is 9 occurrences of the word NULL in the whole text and this "value" is not explained.
E.g. page 78 in §, in the second sentence.


With the example of the page 78 in §, cut the second sentence and paste it at the end of §

Now in this pasted sentence replace "If the report identifier value of the BRCB is NULL" by "If this parameter is omitted".

Adapt also the 8 other NULL in Part 7-2.

Discussion Created Status
Accepted in principle.

What is meant by NULL is: "A null string, also known as an empty string, is a string of zero length."

We should add the following definition under "Table 2 – BasicTypes"

"The value NULL of a VISIBLESTRING shall be an empty string also called a string of zero length."

With that definition all instances of "NULL" shall be clear.

The Proposal:
"With the example of the page 78 in §, cut the second sentence and paste it at the end of §"

needs not to be implemented. With the definition added this is solved.

17 Feb 08 Ballot Period
For $, and all relative to BRCB's DataSets,
DatSet of BRCB NULL is a mandatory ObjectReference
(no C3 note for optional).
So does NULL should mean the ObjectReference is an empty string,
equivalent to an invalid (unreconized) DataSet?

For §, RptID of BRCB is a mandatory VISIBLE STRING65
(no C3 note for optional).
So does NULL should mean the VISIBLE STRING65 is an empty string?
02 Aug 07 Triage


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