440   Definition of trigger option d-chg

Created: 15 Nov 2006

Status: Not Applicable

Part: Part 7-2 (2003)




Paragraph: data-change, ....

Category: No impact on this part


What is the definition of the data-change trigger option for the set access done by a client?
Does it also includes the update of a Data?


Yes, it should

Discussion Created Status
The editors discussed it extensively and decided that this issue belongs 7-3, so that the 7-3 appropriatly specifies the CDC TrgOp attributes.
14 Dec 06 Not Applicable
This issue has nothing to do with reporting changes of values in control blocks - this is already handled by supplying the dchg trigger option to CB attributes, and allow CB attributes to be referenced in data sets (Tissue 150, 186). I assume it is related to having an event for a write- which again is similar to Tissue 310, asking especially fo unsuccessfull commands and writes, because at least for successfull operates a state change can be reported. 01 Dec 06 Discussion (red)
I agree with Herb comment. We have found this problem trying to report the configRev parameter into a Dataset in order to supervise the IEDs configuration. 30 Nov 06 Discussion (red)
Agree: Here is the proposed text for

"For DataSet members that are defined without a TrgOps DataAttribute, these shall inherently behave as data-change. External service sets of such DataSet members shall be a data-change. Local updates of the DataSet member values, with the same values, shall behave as data-update and not cause events to be reported or logged."
15 Nov 06 Discussion (red)


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