373   Substitution subVal and subID

Created: 28 Aug 2006

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-2 (2003)


Page: 064

Clause: 12


Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


After subEna is set to True it is possible to set new values for subVal, subMag, subCMag, and subQ. Another client as the one that orginally enabled the substitution may set the new values.


To keep track which client issued the last set it is required to set the subID anytime when a new value is set for: subVal, subMag, subCMag, and subQ.

This may be implemented in an SCSM by a set service that carries two values: one for subXxx and one for subID.

With reporting and logging one could track the sequence of changes.

If we want to prevent a second client to change any substitution values (in state subEna=True), then we would need a semaphore for substitution (or a similar mechanism).

Discussion Created Status
Final proposal accepted.
Changed status to green.
13 Apr 07 In Force (green)
Please check Tissue #374 in conjunction with this Tissue #373. 18 Mar 07 Ballot Period
First: The proposal assumes that SubID is a client identifier and should not be modified by the server.

Second: The access rights (views?) and authentification does not solve the problem.

Assume more than one client has the right to set the values for subXxx and for subID. The first sets all values (including the subID = "CC1"). The second client "CC2" may set all values but the subID. In this second case there is a mismatch between the current values of the substituted values and the SubID: The subID is still "CC1" ... but "SS2" set the current values ...

Final proposal is to keep current defintion unless other editors see also the need for some clarification.
18 Mar 07 Ballot Period
I agree with Herb. If only specific clients shall have the right to do substitution, this should be solved with access rights (views?) and authentification. 02 Nov 06 Discussion (red)
Disagree with the proposal. The SubID is a client identifier and should not be modified by the server. 14 Sep 06 Triage


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