302   References for arrays in DataSets

Created: 22 Mar 2006

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 6 (2004)


Page: 58

Clause: 9.3.7

Paragraph: Attributes of the FCDA element

Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


Certain CDC's such as HMV, HWYE and HDEL make use of arrays for some attributes. From my point of view, it is not very clear how to specify the element index in a FCDA. If no index is specified, it is impossible to know if the GOOSE or Report message will carry one single value or many.


If the attribute type of a certain DataAttribute is ARRAY the "daName" attribute in FCDA element must be equal to the DataAttribute name followed by the object index between brackets. For example:

<FCDA ldInst="LD" prefix="" lnClass="MHAI" lnInst="1" doName="HW" daName="phsAHar[1]">
<FCDA ldInst="LD" prefix="" lnClass="MHAI" lnInst="1" doName="HW" daName="phsAHar[3]">
<FCDA ldInst="LD" prefix="" lnClass="MHAI" lnInst="1" doName="HW" daName="phsAHar[5]">

Discussion Created Status
24 Apr 06 In Force (green)
In principle accepted. However, SCL already defines array elements for predefined values by means of an index (ix) attribute. I suggest to take the same approach also in FCDAs, e.g.
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" prefix="" lnClass="MHAI" lnInst="1" doName="HW" daName="phsAHar" ix="3"> respective
<FCDA ldInst="LD0" prefix="" lnClass="MHAI" lnInst="1" doName="HW" daName="phsAHar.mag" ix="3"> in case of reference to the vector length only.
22 Mar 06 Discussion (red)


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