247   Miss % representation

Created: 04 Nov 2005

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-3 (2003)


Page: 60-62

Clause: Table A


Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


There is not a clear way to identify magnitudes and settings in percentage terms.


Clarify or explain if it's neccessary to assign:

SIUnit: Value = 1 (dimensionless) and
multiplier: Value = 2

or if a new type of unit should be created.

Discussion Created Status
Ballot expired; set to green 15 May 06 In Force (green)
I suggest to accept the proposal with the modification proposed by Wolfgang 27 Mar 06 Ballot Period
I think this is a good proposal to represent percentage values - however, the multiplier should be -2 (centi). In the same way promille could be represented with -3 (milli). 23 Nov 05 Discussion (red)


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