167   Alternate Specification and wording

Created: 10 Jun 2005

Status: Not Applicable

Part: Part 8-1 (2004)


Page: 32

Clause: 8-1

Paragraph: 7.3.2

Category: No impact on this part


The answers given to my issue #162 is not satisfactory. 7.3.2 refers to an "alternate specification". Few people will make the link with MMS Alternate Access (ISO 9506 14.4). It would have been sufficient to state that CBB=valt and CBB=vnam shall be supported.


Discussion Created Status
We have intentionally kept all of the MMS conformance information in clause 24. If you look in, the mandatory support of VALT and VNAM are there (although conditional). The conditional is present to allow GOOSE and SMV only devices to not be required to support MMS.

Thus, the proposal to say "shall support VALT and VNAM" is incorrect for 7.3.2.

I propose that no change be made based upon this comment.
23 Jun 05 Triage


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