1570   Matching CB state to last operator command

Created: 21 Feb 2017

Status: Not Applicable

Part: Part 7-4 (2010; Edition 2)


Page: 34


Paragraph: 5.5.6

Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


It is common function of SAS to monitor accordance of switchgear actual state to last operator command that has been issued. The fact of mismatching actual and desired states is used in many applications as autoreclosing, power source transfer, alarming about spontaneous unintended CB openning due vibration, for an example.
Now,there is no way to represent information about mismatching of actual and desired switchgear state in 61850 model.


My proposal is at least to add data object(PosMis:SPS) in CSWI class that will be reflect matching of the position to the last successful command.

Probably it will be useful to provide such capability to all controllable CDC.

Discussion Created Status
The control command sequence of a HV switch command follows, as recommended in 7-4, the SBOweS control model. That means at the end the positive termination will be sent to the client. If a control (select, operate) is rejected or could not successfully terminated a addCause, sent with negative response, inform the client about the reason (e.g. blocked by mode, blocked by process etc.; see part 7-2).
The monitoring and logging of the control command and the results of the control sequence shall be performed by the client (substation controller or NCC).
22 Feb 17 Not Applicable


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