142   Address type in control block

Created: 01 Apr 2005

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-2 (2003)


Page: 020

Clause: 05.5


Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


A generic type Adrress is missing for GOOSE, GSE, and SV.


Using a generic type will make the control block definitions consistent with their specification in the mapping documents

Discussion Created Status
Draft text: PHYCOMADDR type
The type PHYCOMADDR shall represent a physical communication address (e.g. media access address, priority, and other information) as defined by a SCSM.
02 Jan 07 In Force (green)
The detailed draft text for the Edition 2 can be found under tissue #456. 02 Jan 07 In Force (green)
The descision is to add a DstAddress attribute to the appropriate control blocks. Since the selected name agress with the attribute already defined in 8-1, there is no need to change 8-1.

The added 7-2 DstAddress attribute is a type that is defined and mapped in the SCSM.

It has been decided that no common data class needs to be added in 7-2, and that the added attribute shall be mapped in each individual SCSM.
Relates to tissue 128 for 8-1.
16 Feb 06 In Force (green)
The generic type should reflect, that it is the physical communication address that we are talking about. Therefore the name of that generic type shall be PHYCOMADDR 14 Feb 06 In Force (green)
Proposal accepted.
Changed to green.
18 Aug 05 In Force (green)
Final proposal: ´
generic type will be added in the control block definition for GOOSE, GSE, and SV.
Their specification will be done in the mapping documents.
01 Apr 05 Ballot Period


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