1312   Presence condition of lnNs and dataNs

Created: 23 Sep 2014

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-1 (2011; Edition 2)


Page: 103 and 104

Clause: 13.4.3 and 13.4.4


Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


Part 7-3 defines the following presence condition for lnNs (AC_DLD_M or with Ed. 2.1 MOlnNs): "The attribute shall be present, if LN name space of this LN deviates from the LN name space referenced by ldNs of the logical device in which this LN is contained (applies to
lnNs in CDC LPL only).".
This means that if the namespace of the LN (lnNs) differs from the one of the LD (ldNs), then NamPlt.lnNs is mandatory, otherwise it is optional.

There is in contradiction with Part 7-1, Clause 13.4.3, where it is written: "The attribute shall only be available in a LN instance if its value differs from the ldNs value."
This would mean that lnNs is forbidden if it would be the same as the one of the logical device (and not optional as defined in 7-3).

The same contradiction can be found in 7-1, Clause 13.4.3 for dataNs.


Modify the sentence in 7-1 Clause 13.4.3 as follows:
"The attribute shall be available in an LN instance if its value differs from the ldNs value. The attribute is optional in case the lnNs and ldNs values would be the same."

And similarly for 13.4.4.

Discussion Created Status
30 Sep 15 In Force (green)
16 Jul 15 Ballot Period
Accepted 24 Sep 14 Discussion (red)


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