1190   STMP:Rate of change of TMP

Created: 22 Nov 2013

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-4 (2010; Edition 2)



Clause: 5.14.11


Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


To be reusable in 7-420 ed.2 the STMP should have DOs for Rate of change of temperature and setting for the alarm.


Acc. to decision of TF UML add DO Rte (MV) and RteAlmSet (ASG) to the LN STMP (both optional).
Additionally correct the DOnames of the settings TmpAlmSpt to TmpAlmSet and TmpTripSpt to TmpTripSet because they are not setpoints but settings. Correct the description accordingly.

Discussion Created Status
Correction to the green tissue (as it will be in ed2.1 acc. to the UMLmodel):
TmpRte (MV), RteAlm (SPS), RteAlmSet(ASG),
RteTrip (SPS) RteTripSet(ASG) (all optional)
TmpAlmSpt to AlmSet, TmpTripSpt to TripSet
26 May 15 In Force (green)
10 Jan 14 In Force (green)
This tissue will be applicable with revision V2.1. 11 Dec 13 Ballot Period
In principle accepted. Added in the LN description: the semantic of the data for specific applications (e.g. positive or negative alarm level of rate of change etc.) will be defined as a local issue. 10 Dec 13 Ballot Period


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