1049   typo in LNodeType LTRK

Created: 19 Mar 2013

Status: Not Applicable

Part: Part 7-4 (2010; Edition 2)


Page: 27

Clause: 5.3.10 LN: Service tracking


Category: No impact on this part


GenTrk is marked as common data class CST while the explanation suggests that it is a CTS.

Both common data classes CST and CTS do exist. I cannot find any tissue on this subject.

Can someone verify and confirm that GenTrk is a CTS (and not a CST).


Discussion Created Status
LTRK.GenTrk is dedicated for all other services that were not covered in the other DOs of LTRK.
CST is the common service tracking data class.
Therefore 7-4 is correct when specifying that LTRK.GenTrk CDC is CST.
20 Mar 13 Not Applicable
Re-reading this tissue I noticed that GenTrk is a 'catch all' for all uncovered cases by atributes before it so the CST is correct. (But I would like to see that confirmed aswell.) 19 Mar 13 Triage


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