950   Object Reference Name lengths

Created: 05 Dec 2012

Status: Not Applicable

Part: Part 7-2 (2010; Edition 2)


Page: 157

Clause: 19.2 Referencing an instance of a class


Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


An object reference is defined as LDName/LNName.DataName[.DataName[. ...].DataAttributeName[.DAComponentName[. ...]

Absolute lengths are defined for LDName, LNName and DataName and several tissues do exist refering to these lengths.

What is the maximum allowed length for DataAttributeName and DAComponentName? I cannot find anything on these lengths in -7-2 19.2 or in any other part of 7-2 (Or any other part of the standard).

Is a DataAttributeName (and a DAComponentName equal to a DataName? This can resolve my questiong but there is no text in -7-2 (or any other part) that does so.

Can somebody advise me on text in any part that clarifies the maximum allowed length for DataAttributeName and DAComponentName?

Kind Regards,

Andre Steenveld.


Clarify -7-2 19.2 on the maximum alowed length for DataAttributeName and DAComponentName

Discussion Created Status
Your clause reference is related to Edition 1 (7-2:2003). The lengths for Edition 2 (7-2:2007 from 2010) are defined in Clause 22. It is not based on the generic syntax, but on the instance length of the different name parts.Observe further, that attribute names are defined inside the CDCs of 7-3, and with Edition 2 private CDCs are no longer allowed; so their length restriction has only to be taken care of by the standardization activities in IEC. 14 Dec 12 Not Applicable


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