872   TimeofEntry

Created: 25 Jul 2012

Status: Not Applicable

Part: Part 8-1 (2011; Edition 2)


Page: 77

Clause: 17.1.3

Paragraph: 2

Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


Unbuffered report control block do not have TimeofEntry component and so the paragraph should identify that OptFlds.report-time-stamp should always return FALSE similar to buffer-overflow and entryID


1. Add TimeofEntry to the paragraph:
"The value returned for OpFlds.buffer-overflow, OptFlds.entryID, and OptFlds.report-time-stamp shall always be false".
2. Table 63 comment for OptFlds
"The values of buffer-overflow, entryID, and report-time-stamp shall be ignored.

Discussion Created Status
the tissue resolution 348 already stated that timeOfEntry exists independantly of entryID 09 Aug 12 Not Applicable
In deed TimeOfEntry is not an attribute of the URCB control block (neither in 7-2 nor in 8.1), because there is no synchronization mechanism for sending entries in URCBs (as there is in BRCB).
It does not means that TimeOfEntry, i.e. "the time at which the internal event notification was received by the report handler" has been undefined by 8-1.
"Part 8-1, 17.2.1 just describes the type for TimeofEntry and not the rules." This is correct, and there is no need to overrule 7-2 in that matter.
Therefore I still believe in context of the URCB report format,
- that TimeOfEntry does exists,
- that it does represent the time at which the internal event notification has been received by the report handler,
- that it presence in the report format can be ordered / removed using the OptFlds,
- that it make nos sense to have it in the GetURCBValues paramter (therefore visible for a URCB instance),
- that there is therefore no requirement for making an exception regarding to TimeOfEntry within the URCB.

27 Jul 12 Discussion (red)
Part 7-2 is decribing the attribute in the buffered report control block. According to part 8-1, 17.1.3, TimeofEntry attribute does not exist in unbufferred and so Part 7-2 cannot be applied to unbuffered report control block since this attribute does not exist (ref. part 8-1, Table 63)

Part 8-1, 17.2.1 just describes the type for TimeofEntry and not the rules.

What is missing is the rules for TimeofEntry (i.e AccessResult) for unbuffered report. I would recommend adding rules for TimeOfEntry (AccessResult) in the report format specification in part 7-2, for unbuffered reports.

The rules for TimeofEntry included in the report are very clear for buffered reports (part 7-2, table 38)
26 Jul 12 Discussion (red)
7-2 defines in

"The attribute TimeOfEntry shall be the time at which the internal event notification was received by the report handler."

This definition is independant of buffered or unbuffered reporting.

8-1 then defines in 17.2.1:
AccessResult for TimeofEntry
The AccessResult, containing the value of TimeofEntry, shall have a MMS TypeDescription of MMS binarytime.

Therefore there is no need for further specification.

26 Jul 12 Discussion (red)
Change this to request for clarification.

Neither Part 7-2 or part 8-1 identify how TimeOfEntry is reported for URCB. Part 7-2 has the rules for BRCB but is missing rule for URCB since EntryId does not exist for URCB.
25 Jul 12 Triage


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