1645   Logging LCB states

Created: 31 Jan 2019

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 8-1 (2011; Edition 2)


Page: 84



Category: Issue may impact interoperability of implementations of Edition 2


The text suggests a requirement to log ACTIVE eventCondition state with each data entry. This is not allowed by 9506.

In addition, the concept of "IDLE" state provides no value.


Change paragraph
– A value of LogEna being TRUE shall be mapped to either the event condition state of
IDLE or ACTIVE. The IDLE state is reserved to indicate a transition of the value of LogEna
from FALSE to TRUE. Only a journal entry with an event condition state value of ACTIVE
shall have a list of journal variables.


– A value of LogEna being TRUE shall be mapped to the event condition state of ACTIVE. Upon transition of the value of LogEna from FALSE to TRUE an event condition of ACTIVE shall be logged. Upon transition of the value of LogEna from TRUE to FALSE an event condition of DISABLED shall be logged. Only an LCB with an event condition state value of ACTIVE may log events from DataSets specified by the LCB

Discussion Created Status
Ballot Date expire.
Backward compatibility rule defined.
Thie tissue is turned to green interop.
29 Jul 19 In Force (green)
Modification of clause ISO 9506-1 information type constraints
ISO 9506-1 allows the information type to be constrained to ANNOTATION, EVENT-DATA, DATA.
1) Information type ANNOTATION
The use of the ANNOTATION constraint is a local issue and shall be mapped to the “annotation” element of the EntryContent as shown in Table 125
2) Information type EVENT-DATA
The information type EVENT-DATA shall be mapped to the “event” element of the EntryContent as shown in Table 125.
The EVENT-DATA information type shall be used to indicate information entered into the MMS Journal due to log control block control state transition (enabled to disabled, or disabled to enabled). The use of this constraint is not restricted solely to indicating LCB control, but other uses are considered to be a local issue.
The EVENT-DATA Information Type Event Transition Record shall be used for journalling transitions of the LCD LogEna value as prescribed:
– The event condition name value shall be the MMS NamedVariable ObjectName representing the log control block that caused the journal entry to be created.
– The event condition state shall be the state of the LogEna component of the log control block that caused the journal entry to be created.

On a power-up or reset the status of the LCB’s LogEna shall be journalled.

The value mapping between LogEna values and event condition state values shall be:
– A value of LogEna being FALSE shall be mapped to the event condition state of DISABLED and shall be journalled.
– A value of LogEna being TRUE shall be mapped to the event condition state of ACTIVE and shall be journalled.
For efficiency reasons, a sequence of entryDat(s) may be entered within a single MMS journal entry.

3) Information type DATA
The information type DATA shall be mapped to the “listofVariable” element of the EntryContent as shown in Table 125.
DATA information type shall be used for journalling of values from DataSets specified by an LCB.

For backward compatibility reason, a client claiming conformance to this standard shall be able to process the elements “event” and “listofVariable” in a single “data” element.

NOTE: the text is identical to amendment 1 of edition 2
16 Apr 19 Ballot Period


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