1477   BRCB ResvTms implicit setting

Created: 23 Feb 2016

Status: Not Applicable

Part: Part 7-2 (2010; Edition 2)

Links: #1467 There is no clearly definition to say whether other clients shall not be allowed to set any attribut




Category: No impact on this part


It is not defined whether in case BRCB ResvTms attribute (with value 0) is not set by the client prior to setting RptEna attribute, the reservation (setting BRCB ResvTms to some positive value) shall be done implicitly by the server (and to what value) or not.
Such a required performance of the server is though precisely defined only for URCB Resv attribute in clause
On the other hand, the test case sBr23 of the IEC 61850 Ed2 Server Test Procedures v1p0 with TPCL1p1p1-1 checks such a performance of the server device on BRCB ResvTms attribute, while having no ground for demanding this in the standard specification and mandatory tissues.


Add the following sentence to clause
If the attribute ResvTms equals 0 and is not set to some positive value by the client, then setting the attribute RptEna to TRUE by that client reserves the BRCB instance implicitly with ResvTms = 1.

Discussion Created Status
As per
A value of zero (0) shall indicate that the BRCB is not reserved.

A BRCB with RptEna set to true is defacto exclusively reserved to the client that performed the successful SetBRCBValues(RptEna=true).
The support of ResvTms is optional in the BRCB, but when present in the BRCB structure, a value of 0 shall indicate that the BRCB is not reserved.
07 Mar 16 Not Applicable
Please be so kind to clarify: "Has been interpreted" like this by whom and from when? From the date of publication of IEC 61850 Ed2 Server Test Procedures v1p0 with TPCL1p1p1-1? While it was not interpreted like this for the previous TPCL version of test procedures? 01 Mar 16 Not Applicable
As referenced in 1467,

A server shall restrict access to an instance of a report control block to one client at a time.

Has been interpreted as requiring the server to set ResvTms to a positive value when a client sets any attribute in the BRCB.
23 Feb 16 Not Applicable


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