1431   SICS S37,S38

Created: 10 Aug 2015

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 6 (2009-12; Edition 2)

Links: #1397 Subscription limitation visible in IxD file


Clause: SICS


Category: No impact on this part


The SICS entries S37 and S38 have become mandatory. This certainly applies to GOOSE and SMV. But not for serviceType=Reporting & serviceType=Polling


Split S37 and S38 as follows:
S371 M Edit Input sections for GOOSE and SMV
S372 O Edit Input sections for Reporting
S373 O Edit Input sections for Polling

S381 M Create Input section from configured data set flow for GOOSE and SMV
S382 O Create Input section from configured data set flow for Reporting

Discussion Created Status
08 Dec 15 In Force (green)
04 Nov 15 Ballot Period
The split of S38 into an optional and a mandatory part is already in Tissue 1397.
As editing of input sections is a system tool function independent from any service type, there is no need to make a difference based only on the serviceType value, especially as the editing might also change this.
11 Aug 15 Discussion (red)


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