1380   Missing setting

Created: 27 Apr 2015

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-4 (2010; Edition 2)


Page: 5.5.7 and 5.13.12



Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


Missing setting in DO LivDeaMod in the LN CSYN and RSYN, which should include the possibility to reclose to live-live only configuration. This would allow a more flexible use of these LN.


It is proposed to add “Live line, live bus” setting as the number 8 in the frame described in the semantic chapter.

Discussion Created Status
Change to green 16 Sep 15 In Force (green)
The tissue goes to final proposal and will be applied to version part7-4amd2.1.
Proposal is:
Add a new DO LivLivBlk (SPC, optional)(If true, live-live synchronization is blocked, otherwise enabled; default=false).
30 Jul 15 Ballot Period
It would better express that the DO blocks the Live-Live synchronization if we rename it to LivLivBlk.
So the proposal will be changed.
Add a new DO LivLivBlk (SPC, optional)(If true, live-live synchronization is blocked, otherwise enabled; default=false).

The proposal will be applied in part 7-4 amd.2.1.
23 Jul 15 Discussion (red)
After clarification of the requirements we propose to add a new DO LivLivMod (SPC, optional).
The semantic is: If true, in addition to the selected Live-Dead-Mod (DO LiveDeaMod), live-live synchronization is blocked, otherwise live-live synchronization is active.
19 Jun 15 Discussion (red)
By DO RelDeaBus (release dead bus /dead line) the function CSYN/RSYN can be blocked. May be we have to improve the explanation that this DO belongs to all modes of LivDeadMod. 28 Apr 15 Discussion (red)


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