1327   SICS: import of SCD by IED configuration tool

Created: 12 Nov 2014

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 6 (2009-12; Edition 2)


Page: 221-222

Clause: Annex G

Paragraph: Table G.1

Category: No impact on this part


In the SICS, support of SCD import is defined as mandatory for the IED configuration tool in I21.
However, for devices which are fully pre-configured and which do not get data from other devices (i.e., publish/send only data), SCD import is not mandatory. In such cases, IID export with filled out communication section is mandatory.


1) Correct presence condition of I21 (or add a comment defining the exception, like for I22).
2) Correct presence condition of I23 to I27, and I210 to I214 accordingly.
3) Add a new statement for mandatory IID export support with communication section, or annotate I12 accordingly.

Discussion Created Status
07 Jul 15 In Force (green)
Proposal is rejected. SCD import is always mandatory for an IED tool. 09 Jun 15 Ballot Period
IED tooling can make Communication address changes, but it should not be the only one. An SCT should be able to change communication addressing and IED tooling should accommodate this. 21 Mar 15 Ballot Period


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