1306   RREC: Missing state for AutoRecSt

Created: 04 Sep 2014

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-4 (2010; Edition 2)


Page: 120

Clause: 6

Paragraph: Table 10

Category: Issue for edition 3 of this part


In addition to tissue 726 there is another problem:
Acc. to table 10 in clause 6 of IEC 61850-7-4 Ed. 2.0 follwing states of AutoRecSt are possible:
Ready 1, Waiting for trip 2, Trip issued by protection 3, Fault disappeared 4, Wait to complete 5, Circuit breaker closed 6, Cycle unsuccessful 7, Unsuccessful 8, Aborted 9, Successful 10

There is a state missing which was compatible (mandatory) in IEC 60870-5-103: "AR blocked" (INF 130)

This state means the condition of enabled AutoRecloser but CB not ready / (not closed). It is determined and should not destroy a state machine. None of the above mentioned states seems to be appropriate to this state.

The principal diagram of autorecloser in Annex G also does not include such a state.


Add the state "Not Ready" (seems to be better than "Blocked" or "Other") to the table 10 in clause 6 and to the principal diagram in Annex G.

Discussion Created Status
Tissue has been solved--> green
No additional change acc. this tissue in 7-4amd2.1
16 Feb 15 In Force (green)
The discussion has been finished. Tissue goes to final proposal. 02 Feb 15 Ballot Period
The orginal diagram in annex G has been moved from part 7-4 revision 2.1. Therefore the discussion about AutoRecloserStates will continued in part 61850-7-500 and is intented to go back into part 7-4 with edition 3.
The proposed state is blocked the AR as such is ready.
10 Sep 14 Discussion (red)


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