1279   Operation of power transformer with process bus

Created: 26 Jun 2014

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-4 (2010; Edition 2)


Page: 27 - 32

Clause: 5.4


Category: Issue for edition 3 of this part


This tissue is more a clarification about LN AVCO.
According to IEC61850-5, a tap changer represented by LN YLTC at process level can be managed by LN AVCO located at bay level. But there are no existing DO in LN AVCO to transmit through process bus raise or lower operation to LN YTLC.
In LN ATCC there are DOs "TapOpR", "TapOpL" and "TapOpStop".

Why are DOs "TapOpR", "TapOpL" and "TapOpStop" not present in LN AVCO?

In this case only LN ATCC can be used to manage LN YLTC with process bus?


Add DOs "TapOpR", "TapOpL" and "TapOpStop" in LN AVCO.

Discussion Created Status
Confirmed. Tissue goes to green. 04 Nov 14 In Force (green)
The question will be rediscussed in editon 3. Therefore the category if this tissue will be changed to ed.3. 10 Sep 14 Ballot Period
For applications with tap changer (YLTC) the LN ATCC should be used. Therefore an extension of AVCO by the mentioned DOs is not necessary. 30 Jun 14 Discussion (red)


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