1247   private definition of CDC

Created: 23 Apr 2014

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 7-3 (2010; Edition 2)

Links: #1188 Schema failure for extended CDC




Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


In tissue #1188 (part 6 - ed.2) it is written, that it is not allowed to define a private CDC (only use of predefined CDC).

The attribe cdcNs and cdcName are obsolete!


remove the attributes "cdcNs" and "cdcName" in all CDC

Discussion Created Status
22 Nov 15 In Force (green)
to be applied in Ed 2.1
Final proposal:
- deprecate cdcNs
- declare cdcName as optional and modify Syntax of cdcName to say: "Name of the common data class; for details on the usage of this DA see IEC 61850-7-1"

Note: a possible use of the DA cdcName is, to make visible the name of the CDC of a DO that is an Extension to a LN .
21 Oct 15 Ballot Period
proposal for Ed2.1 : deprecate cdcNs as the version of the 7-3 that is implemented in the LogicalDevice is declared at the LLN0 level.
cdcName optional to display the value cdcid used in a context of a DO extension in a LogicalNode class.
05 Mar 15 Discussion (red)
currently under discussion. Will be considered in 7-3 Ed.2.1
7-3 Ed2.1 tends to deprecate the use of cdcNs since the only allowed cdcNs is 7-3.
The tissue 1196 shall provide the conclusion for the proper use of 7-3 name space.
cdcName can however be useful when extending the LNClass with private DOIs, in order to make the name of the CDC visible over the communication (self description).
09 May 14 Discussion (red)


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