1245   GoosePerformanceTests, inconsistencies detected

Created: 22 Apr 2014

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 10 (2012; Edition 2)


Page: sveral

Clause: 8.2.2, 8.2.3

Paragraph: several

Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


There are several statements in part 61850-10 not in line with other parts or the intention of the UCAIug Goose Performance Tests Procedures.


1.Chapter 8.2.3.The performance Classes as mentioned in Part 10 are not in line with the one mentioned in part 5. In part 10 still the performance classes from Edition 1 are mentioned. The following performance classes shall be mentioned in relation to the GoosePerformanceTests:

P1 = 3 ms, P2 = 10 ms, P3 = 20 ms, P4 = 100 ms.

2.Chapter 8.2.2: To improve the test coverage it might be needed to increase the input triggers. Therefore part 10 shall state:

“The worst case, mean latency time and the standard deviation shall be computed across the responses to at least 1 000 input triggers.”

Discussion Created Status
Changed to green 20 May 14 In Force (green)
As agreed during the UCAIUG testing subcommitte telco we accept the proposal.
- use the P1..P4 classes from IEC 61850-5 Ed2
- add "at least" before 1000
05 May 14 Ballot Period


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