1084   LPHD.Sim under LD nesting?

Created: 02 Apr 2013

Status: Not Applicable

Part: Part 7-4 (2010; Edition 2)


Page: 22

Clause: 5.3.2


Category: No impact on this part


LPHD.Sim determines whether the LD receives GOOSE/SMV from simulated device or a normal device.
If LD is nested, e.g. LD2.GrRef = LD1,
what is expected from LD2, when LD1.Sim.stVal is set to TRUE? or vice versa?


Discussion Created Status
Yes, there is conceptually only one Sim data object per IED. On a proxy/GW it might mirror the simulation state of the proxied IED. If several root LDs for the same IED exist containing a Sim data object, they all show the same state. 03 Jun 13 Not Applicable
Does it implies that there should be only one Sim for the whole physical device? In this case this restraint should be somewhere in the standard which can not be found today.
proxy/gateways IEDs are special cases which may have several LPHDs and several Sim objects. proxy/gateway is not likely to use this Sim machanism, so I think its no problem there?
11 Apr 13 Not Applicable
As Christoph states below, the LPHD.Sim state is always valid for the whole IED. It should only exist in root LDs, and if there are several root LDs, it is recommended to have it only in the first LD (or the second one mirrors the state of the first).
The Sim condition should reflect this.
02 Apr 13 Discussion (red)
According to my understanding, Sim can only be activated for the whole physical device (that's why we have Sim in LPHD and not in LLN0). So I do not think there is an issue with nested LDs. 02 Apr 13 Triage
I'm not sure this is an issue for -7-4, or better be -7-1. 02 Apr 13 Triage


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