1064   TimeOfDay wrongly defined

Created: 22 Mar 2013

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 8-1 (2011; Edition 2)


Page: 54



Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


this text is confusing and should be completely revised.
8.1 should not redefine the MMS type TimeOfDay (not EntryTime which is the 7-2 type!) - this type already exists in ISO 9506-1:2003 7.5.1.

8.1 defines a mapping to ASN.1 representation BINARY-TIME which is not an MMS type.

Btime6 is nowhere defined, it is not an MMS type.

Table 61 refers to EntryTime which is not an MMS Type and makes no mention of the exception according to


Revise this text and limit to what is useful for 8-1 encoding.

Discussion Created Status
05 Dec 13 In Force (green)
30 Oct 13 Ballot Period
I agree with Thiery's comment. 02 May 13 Discussion (red)
8-1 does not redefine a MMS type time of day in this clause but give a reader indication about its content.
It does not arm to help a reader with an indication that the Epoch used in the SCSM EntryTime mapped format is January, 1st, 1984. I'm not sure that everyone is willing to read ISO 9506:2003 in addition to the IEC 61850 8-1.

8-1 does not define a mapping to an ASN.1 representation, but to an MMS type which is in our case the BINARY-TIME. BINARY-TIME according to MMS has either a length of 4 or of 6 bytes. And 8-1 uses the proper definiton on how to use the MMS BINARY-TIME when mapping EntryTime to an MMS BINARY-TIME.

However, the text
"It should be noted that exceptions to this mapping do occur. One such
example is the TimeOfEntry attribute of the BRCB (Buffered Report Control Block) message (see Table 61)."

is not usefull, since wrong (BRCB TimeOfEntry is of type EntryTime and not TimeStamp).
12 Apr 13 Discussion (red)


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