1058   OSI-AP-Title value

Created: 22 Mar 2013

Status: In Force (green)

Part: Part 8-1 (2011; Edition 2)


Page: 134

Clause: 25.3.1

Paragraph: Table 132

Category: Issue for edition 2 of this part


For the P-type OSI-AP-Title we have the following "Restriction/comments":
"The value shall be quoted and per the format
specified for OSI Object Identifiers. The
character set shall be limited to 0 to 9 and

The term quoted is misleading as it implies that the value shall be provided surrounded by quotes.


Change the first sentence to "The value shall follow the format specified for OSI Object Identifiers."

Discussion Created Status
15 Oct 13 In Force (green)
Background on the OSI Object Identifier could be found here:

22 Jun 13 Ballot Period
12 Apr 13 Ballot Period
I agree with the proposal. 11 Apr 13 Discussion (red)
to align with SCL definition: OSI-AP-Title pattern is defined by:
<xs:pattern value="[0-9&#44;]+"/>
11 Apr 13 Discussion (red)


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