1026   OilTmpSet - Set point for oil temperature

Created: 25 Feb 2013

Status: Future Improvement

Part: Part 7-4 (2010; Edition 2)


Page: 33

Clause: 5.5.3

Paragraph: LN: Cooling group control Name: CCGR

Category: Issue for edition 3 of this part


The Settings list one DO:

OilTmpSet ASG Set point for oil temperature

There is no alarm or trip defined for the setpoint. What is the objective of the setpoint if there is no alarm or trip?

Setpoint DO have different names:

CCGR: OilTmpSet
STMP: TmpAlmSpt and TmpTripSpt



Alm SPS Oil Temperature alarm level reached
Trip SPS Oil Temperature trip level reached

Replace OilTmpSet by

TmpAlmSpt ASG Temperature alarm level set-point
TmpTripSpt ASG Temperature trip level set-point

Discussion Created Status
22 Mar 13 Future Improvement
Regarding the second proposal to harmonize the DO names for setpoints, I want to inform you that there is an ongoing activity withing the TF UML to improve the use of abbreviations in DO names for all namespaces.
Of cource we shoud always consider backwards compatibility as much as possible. We could set this proposal on hold.
I support to refuse the first proposal. But we could extent the description of the OilTmpSet by extenting to "Set point for oil temperature in automatio mode of the cooling group"
26 Feb 13 Discussion (red)


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